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Puppy Life Skills
Week One
How Dogs Learn (20:00)
Socialisation (5:16)
Toilet Training (8:12)
Play Biting (4:46)
Chew Training (4:58)
Schedules of Reinforcement (4:33)
Treat Selection (4:06)
Enrichment (4:25)
Exercise (3:20)
Week Two
Name Reflex (4:35)
Noise Sensitivity (12:36)
Charging Marker Word (1:59)
Preventing Biting (5:31)
Say Please (2:50)
Week Three
Charging Clicker (1:10)
Sit (2:24)
Handling (17:29)
Down (3:27)
Week Four
Preventing Guarding (6:51)
Settle (4:14)
Five Rules of Recall (6:26)
Classical Recall (5:15)
Middle (2:29)
Week Five
Eye Contact (8:22)
Loose Lead Walking (8:29)
Week Six
Wait (6:00)
Meet and Greet (6:38)
Swaps (5:17)
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